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Unlock Next-level Performance: Scale from VMs to Kubernetes

As your business grows—so do your infrastructure needs. DigitalOcean Kubernetes allows you to scale up and down with confidence and can reduce costs thanks to its automation, especially if you're not already using your VMs to their full potential. Kubernetes meets you where you are and helps you future-proof your infrastructure.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how your team can skip the typical Kubernetes complexity and incrementally adopt Kubernetes to reap its many benefits.

Join DigitalOcean and to gain insights into infrastructure modernization migrating from virtual machines to Kubernetes.

Webinar speakers

Kyle Campbell

Kyle Campbell is the Founder and CEO of, a Developer Control Plane that helps software teams measure & automate cloud native delivery on any cloud. A self-taught software engineer turned entrepreneur, Kyle has worked on a wide range of startups but specializes in developer platforms that enable software developers to workflow smarter, not harder.

© DigitalOcean, LLC.

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Bikram Gupta

Bikram Gupta is the Lead Product Manager of Kubernetes at DigitalOcean. With over four years of hands-on experience working on kubernetes, he's dedicated to refining developer workflows and enhancing the 'Day 2' experience for Kubernetes users. Bikram also maintains the Kubernetes Starter Kit to to help DigitalOcean Kubernetes customers onboarding production workloads.

Ivan Tarin

Ivan Tarin has dedicated over 5 years to working with Kubernetes, starting from the days at VMware to the present with DigitalOcean. As a product marketer, Ivan specializes in managed Kubernetes offerings with a keen interest in new technologies. Prior technical work as a developer and technical marketer connect him to challenges in the technology space.

Why you should attend

This session will empower you to make informed decisions about your deployment strategy and assess whether Kubernetes is right for your goals. We aim to describe the process, highlight the benefits and address key considerations involved in this transformational shift. We’ll also share real-world case studies to show you how other companies like yours have successfully made the shift.